Pregnancy Care
Yes, it’s true! Chiropractic care is a safe practice that can help out all the mums-to-be. The cool thing about it is, studies have shown that chiropractic care can reduce labour time and help with breech babies!
For some women, pregnancy can indeed be simple, but for most, it is extremely stressful on their bodies. Everyone has a different experience and we are here to cater to all, whether its for general wellbeing during this exciting time or any sort of relief.
When you are pregnant, the hormone relaxin gets released throughout the body. Unfortunately we cannot choose where it gets released in the body, otherwise things would be a lot simpler. Basically, this hormone relaxes your joints to help out during labour. However, it doesn’t just get released in the pelvic region, it goes beyond that and affects all your joints and their complex structures.
Due to this, the connective tissue such as your ligaments get so loose that they are extremely susceptible to instability and causes many misalignments throughout the spine.
That’s why you may hear a lot of women complaining not only of lower back pain, but also neck, shoulder, knee, and ankle pain.
Spinal misalignments and discomfort can occur due to factors such as, the sudden increase of weight, weaker core muscles and increase of the lumbar lordosis (lower back curve), which throws off your whole point of gravity and posture.
Another reason as to why you may want to see a chiropractor for this, is optimal baby position.
When the pelvis is misaligned, it can decrease the space available for the baby, therefore, it is important to have a well balanced pelvis to lower the chances of breech position.
At The Chiro Boutique we make sure to gently analyse and adjust the spine using special techniques that are usually more gentle in nature and is catered specifically for pregnancy, so you and your bub can stay as comfortable as possible throughout this thrilling time.
Pediatric Care
Chiropractic is a safe and efficient health care that can treat many issues that your bubs might suffer from.
In just four weeks after conception, the neural tube is the first to form followed by the spine and the brain. Babies are small humans and if adults see their chiropractor for better function, there is no reason why a baby shouldn’t get adjusted throughout their developmental stages.
Here are some benefits of children getting adjusted:
Adjusting misalignments:
Though birth is incredible and fascinating, it is also extremely complex and hard, both for the baby and mother. Before a baby is born, they are in a confined space with limited movement. During birth, there’s a lot of pulling and squeezing, which can be rather traumatic for the new born. Chiropractors can find areas of imbalance post birth to help your baby adapt better to the new world they are living in.
Parents may be apprehensive when it comes to chiropractic care and their child, as they associate this with forceful adult adjustments. Rest assured, chiropractors are extremely skilled in pediatric care and their development and the technique used on younger patients is very gentle. Regardless of the patient’s age, the assessment at The Chiro Boutique always starts with a comprehensive evaluation followed by a body check to ensure safety and effective treatments.
Colic is a condition that occurs in new-borns and it is characterized by inconsolable crying. Colic can leave parents feeling helpless and extremely tired. However the good news is that there is plenty of evidence to show that chiropractic treatments can help with a baby’s colic symptoms.
Injury prevention in toddlers:
It is absolutely normal for a lot of falls to occur as the baby transitions into a toddler. This is important for their perception and orientation as they learn to walk. Getting your chiropractor to check for any misalignments throughout these developmental stages can help children adapt better to their environment and prevent any serious injuries due to falls.
Stronger immune system:
When the nervous system functions at its full potential, the body can fight off pathogens efficiently. Children are like sponges, they absorb so much in their developmental years and it is quite common for them to get sick frequently. Chiropractors will find and adjust any misalignments which will help their nervous system function better, boosting their immune system. Many parents have reported that regular chiropractic care has helped their baby with their ear infections, duration of flu symptoms and mood.
To conclude, chiropractic care for infants is safe and effective. There are so many research papers to support the benefits of chiropractic care for the young, old and everyone else in between.
If you and your family would like to know more, contact us and we’d be happy to book you in!