The Chiropractic Adjustment
A chiropractor is a highly trained health care practitioner who focuses on treatment and diagnosis of musculoskeletal complaints.
Chiropractic is natural, safe and scientifically proven. The adjustments are performed by a chiropractic doctor to the spine and other joints.
Understanding how chiropractic works is simple:
Everything in the human body is coordinated by the nervous system. Your central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord which is protected by the spine and skull. The peripheral nervous system branches off from the spinal cord and goes through every single part of your body.
As we go through our daily lives, we face many stressors. These could be: physical, mental and chemical. All of these stressors impact your nervous system function and can present in forms of: lower back/neck pain, migraines, fatigue to name a few.
Chiropractors analyse the spine and locate areas of misalignments caused by stress and correct these through specific adjustments. Correct joint alignment means there is no pressure on the nerves and surrounding tissue which means the body can function optimally and pain free!
Adjustments are very comfortable and SHIOK!
Post adjustments though, you may experience some short term soreness and tiredness. These symptoms are normal as the body is trying to adapt to a new change. Same as working out after a long time of being inactive.
There are so many ways in which adjustments are performed as every body is so different.
At The Chiro Boutique, we customise our chiropractic treatments specifically to your age, severity of condition and tolerance.